A Girl and A Spray Gun – It’s So Easy!
A girl and a spray gun – it’s so easy to change the look of shutters with this method! Learn the right mix, create your own paint tent and see the results.
The Plan – On The Hunt For Shutters
I love using shutters in my decorating and for organization! One my first projects was to create a coffee cup hanger from a shutter. But I don’t always repurpose them – I use them solely as something pretty in the background.
For a hot cocoa bar – attach signs to it!
For fall mantels and tiered trays as a backdrop.
The shutters I was looking for must be tall, I was thinking six feet. I wanted to use them for displaying prints for sale in my booth. So off to Marketplace (too expensive) and garage sales I went. And I found the perfect pair at a citywide garage sale in the next town!
A Girl and A Spray Gun
Below is my friend Heather, me and the spray gun. You know what I love about Heather? (well one of things) She always says yes – when I have an idea she jumps in and makes things happen!
You see, hand painting two pairs of shutters didn’t seem fun. Each slat, front and back, because yes you can see if you don’t. Nope no fun!
So Heather created a paint tent in the garage by simply stapling plastic sheeting and drop cloth to the corner of her garage. It worked brilliantly!
Mixing Paint and Floetrol For Spray Gun – It’s So Easy
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The directions from Floetrol were to mix at least 4, but not more than 8, ounces of Floetrol into each quart of paint. We did this in half increments in a quart jar so we could shake it up (please stir, shaking created air bubbles which were no good!)
By doing this method we poured 16 ounces of Dixie Belle’s Desert Rose into our mason jars (measurements on jar – so easy) and 2 ounces of Floetrol.
Time to Spray
Use even sweeping strokes and don’t try to paint in one coat. The paint will run, glob and be thick. These shutters took this girl and a spray gun three coats for even coverage. Sorry no pictures – I was having too much fun!
The Finished Project
Two beautiful shutters in my brand color done by this girl and a spray gun. And it’s so easy!
Before You Start Painting All The Things With A Spray Gun
Pin this post to Pinterest to help you remember all of the steps – hover over any picture or the image below to save it to your account. So easy!