My Most Favorite Bible Studies I Love
I’m sharing my most favorite Bible studies I love in a series of posts. These Bible studies have changed me, strengthened my faith and helped me gain knowledge of His Word. I hope that you find one that blesses you as much as it blessed me.
A Favorite Bible Study That Changed My Life
Finding I Am by Lisa TerKeurst
When I began this Bible study I was, at that time, coming out of the worst six months of my life. That sounds truly dramatic but for reals. I was diagnosed with Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (we’ll shorten that to MGUS from here on out). Then underwent a bone marrow biopsy because of that diagnosis. And in the midst of all that half of my support system (my parents and best friend) up and moved to another state. I’ve forgiven them all, I see now what God was doing.
And during all of it I was married to a man who had convinced me no one cared and that I needed to keep it to myself. Which meant no prayer circles, no help while dealing with the huge idea of cancer, and no help recovering.
Then a Finding I Am Bible study became available at church. I will let this quote from Lisa tell you why I fell in love with this Bible study …
What is that relationship, that insecurity, that hurt, that desire, that prayer you’ve brought to God countless times? … “God, why? You know how much this ache in my heart steals a piece of too many of my smiles. Quite honestly, I’m tired of wondering if you’re withholding because I’m not good enough, capable enough, spiritual enough, trusting enough, or mature enough.
I guess I’m really tired of hoping.”
Lisa TerKeurst
What This Bible Study Is About
From the Finding I Am website
- Trade feelings of emptiness and depletion for a more personal fulfillment from knowing who Jesus is.
- Stop living like a slave to your circumstances by training your heart to embrace the life-giving freedom God wants for you.
- Gain a better understanding of how Jesus’ words 2,000 years ago are so very applicable to the answers we are searching for today.
What The Bible Study Meant To Me
This study is a deep dive into the seven I AM statements of Jesus in the
Gospel of John. And what it taught me was there is nothing else that can fill you with satisfaction like Jesus can.
Not a husband whom you ask God everyday “help me do the right things today and for him to like me.”
Not in the body up until six months before was ticking along quite nicely and now had a ticking time bomb in it.
Not in the family and friends who I would run to but never truly share what was really going on.
Jesus was the answer.
Why It Is A Favorite Bible Study I Love
This study showed me that there is Someone who cares about me. That I was good enough, capable enough, spiritual enough, trusting enough, and mature enough. I also heard God’s voice again in His comfort of me. My prayers stopped begging God for my husband to like me. I stopped doing things I did not want to in order for him to like me. I made plans to leave because I knew that was what God wanted me to do. But then Harvey happened and leaving left.
That opened my eyes to the lies from the enemy that were coming from my husband. And instead of begging God everyday for my husband to like me, I asked God to help me listen to Him and seek Him first in all I did.
I was no longer empty, seeking anything and all things to fill a God shaped hole, I had freedom that came from Him.
We are all still human and far from perfect. And I did stay in my marriage for two more years although God told me to let him go and let God have him. A friend put it best – I kept crawling back into the prison and redecorating. And I am good at decorating 😉
I’m out of that prison and I owe the awakening to leave that prison to this book. I turned back to God and His still quiet voice. I stopped asking for what I thought I needed and started listening to what God wanted. I’m a fifth sparrow no more, not so worthless that I was thrown in for free.
If you feel stuck in any way, if you feel empty, if you’re in a prison let Jesus be the way. Learn the I Am statements and how they can change your life.
This Bible study does have a video with it and I strongly encourage getting it as well. She shares more in the video and it is filmed in the Holy Land. BEAUTIFUL!
One Of My My Most Favorite Bible Studies I Love –
Finding I Am by Lisa TerKeurst
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