Lessons From A Stolen Truck
I did not have lessons from a stolen truck on what I wanted to learn. But our Amory’s truck was taken and looking to God’s word about stealing has taught me a few things. Taught me about the eighth commandment, why stealing is abhorrent to God, and how giving is better than taking.

Clifford, The Best Red Truck Around
Memories Are what we have now
A Perfect Fit
- Amory fit ….
- Taquito was a good truck dog …
- Toes fit …
- Goats fit
The Adventures
Our trip to Anahuac – picking up a lamp we named Susan, a goat and ending the day with a fracture.
Lessons Learned From A Stolen Truck
When the truck was stolen it had ALL THE THINGS in it. We were headed to the barn then I was heading to my Monday night class. So inside the truck was my bible, my bookbag and my set of keys because we were returning home at separate times. Amory’s goat clippers, a goat crate, our barn boots and a ladder were in the truck – all ready to be used at the barn. And the person took the truck while we were celebrating the end of school with the Downton Abbey movie.
But you know what it didn’t have in it? Us … we did not come upon whoever stole the truck and were injured in the process. We were not in the truck when they chose to steal it.
And I say chose because
Lesson Learned From The Eighth Commandment
The eighth commandment has four simple words – “thou shalt not steal” (Exodus 20:15). Simple to follow, clear and to the point but the thieves chose to take what was not theirs to take. In Psalm 119:61 it states “The bands of the wicked have robbed me: but I have not forgotten thy law.” I had not forgotten the law – the simple four word law that assured me that our truck would still be in its parking space when we returned. And when it was not I felt violated, grief stricken and absolutely sick to my stomach.
The word steal in this verse is the Hebrew word ganab, which is used 39 times in the Old Testament. This Hebrew word is used in the following ways: to thieve (literal or figurative); by implication to deceive or carry away. Additionally it communicates to secretly bring, steal (away), or get by stealth. So the eighth commandment with its four words covers a lot of ground on which type of stealing – it seems to cover all types. Taking what is not yours, by misleading others either about yourself or others, and walking away with what is not yours.
Why God Finds Stealing So Bad
Now we know what stealing is and that there are many ways to steal – either with action or words. But why does God dislike stealing so much? In Mark 4:14-15 and Luke 8:11-12, Jesus explains the parable of the sower who sows the seed and the fowls of the air devour it by saying that the seed is the Word of God and people hear it, but the devil comes and takes it away out of their hearts so that they cannot believe and be saved.
This tells me that God dislikes stealing so much because because Satan steals men. Satan was the original thief stealing from Adam and Eve their relationship from God. The devil comes to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:9-10). This parable, these verses tells us that Satan is a thief and murderer who comes to steal people away from being saved, away from God.
What I Have Learned From A Stolen Truck
At this point I know that a person(s) stole our truck but the devil was the original thief. The devil had taken this person(s), he came to kill, steal and destroy through this person. I can pray for this person(s) that the word of God is made clear to him or her and feels repentance. That perhaps my big pink Bible with all of its notes and chicken scratch will be read.
The truck has not been found (yet!) but God has been using His people to double His blessings. A crate for the goats was found through our buy nothing group and those goats are back to riding inside my Traverse. A collection was taken up and Amory’s clippers, boots, and other goat supplies in the truck were replaced. A friend made copies of all the notes from my class and I had a replacement key made for the Traverse.
We will not let the devil kill, steal, and destroy our joy and well being. We will take these lessons learned and remember that the devil is the original thief and will pray for those he has stolen from God.
And as for the ladder I am making do …
Stepladders ae meant to go beds, right?