Make Your Own Display Riser
You wouldn’t believe some of the things I’ve used to lift and raise up decorative items in my vignettes and tiered trays! I was essentially making my own display riser out of boxes covered with pretty napkins, empty spools of ribbon, wadded paper, empty cans (full cans) – you name it I used it! There is a time to recycle and it’s not in our decorating! This is why there is a need to make our own display risers! They are simple to make, can be used anywhere and really do give a lift to your displays.
Table Risers DIY Ideas
Your display riser can be made size or shape to fit your needs. Round, square, or rectangle plaques can be found in your local craft store or I also like to look in my thrift store stores for wood pieces that can be used too! Look at this gem! Obviously this was not it …

In the craft store plaques of wood come in a variety of sizes and shapes with a finished edge. Like these –

Display Riser – Something To Stand On
The size of your display riser will determine the size of the feet you need for it. The larger the top obviously the larger the feet!
Small or Medium Display Riser Feet Choices
- Small Wooden Balls Or Beads – I simply hot glue to attach these to my wood top after painting or staining
- Wooden Spools – I simply hot glue to attach these to my wood top after painting or staining
- Wooden Candlecups – I simply hot glue to attach these to my wood top after painting or staining
Large Display Riser Feet Choices
- Wooden Candlesticks – the short stubby kind work best, I simply hot glue to attach these to my wood top on after painting or staining as well
- Wooden Furniture Legs – I do use the brackets that are found with them in the hardware store to attach these to my wood top. I paint or stain after assembly.
My Own Display Riser
I love when family and friends say …
I’m not sure if you can do anything with this and
send/give me things because they’re not sure what to do with them!
Thank you, I’ll gladly take your Fifth Sparrows and make them Fifth Sparrows No More! Case in point, this black wooden piece with cute bun feet.
I saw potential immediately as my own table riser, no assembly required, just painting! And that’s just what I did. I used Martha Stewart Vintage Decor Paint in Seashell Pink and used FolkArt Home Decor Chalk Paint in Sage Blossom to distress.
Be Sure To Pin These Ideas To Make Your Own Display Riser
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