Author: Kristin Sullivan

Laundry Room Makeover Design Board

Laundry Room Makeover For The One Room Challenge

In today’s post, I’m starting a laundry room makeover for the One Room Challenge. I’m sharing my design board and what projects I’ll accomplish in the upcoming weeks. What Is The One Room Challenge? The One Room Challenge is a biannual design event where Featured Designers and Guest participants are tasked with making over a space in…

turn a nightstand into a card catalog

An Easy DIY To Turn A Nightstand Into A Card Catalog

This is an easy DIY to turn a nightstand into a card catalog with paint, decoupage, and vintage look pulls. When I saw this nightstand in Goodwill it was an easy choice to purchase. I could see its potential to be “fifth sparrow-d no more”! In the Thrift Store Shopping Guide you’ll find a list…

A beautiful witch themed table
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Create The Good Witches’ Table For Your Halloween Party

Create the good witches’ table for your Halloween party with a bubbling bedazzled cauldron, upcycled crystal balls and unique chair accents. When I created this table I was imagining this as the Crystal Society’s October meeting! These good witches are looking deep into their crystal balls to see what is brewing in their cauldron! The…

The Magic Potion To Make A Witches’ Cauldron
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The Magic Potion To Make A Witches’ Cauldron

What is the magic potion to make a witches’ cauldron? Use your repurposing powers and flowers, ornaments, eyeballs, crystal beads and sparkle! The Cauldron For your cauldron you can use any black ceramic pot. I used a ceramic black planter, tureen, or vase – not sure which – from the thrift store. Here are a…